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Nutrition, Health & Wellness

Good Food, Good Life

Nutrition, Health and Wellness is Nestlé’s strategic direction. We want you to be able to make healthy choices about your food and beverages. We also believe that good food sometimes means treating yourself!

We aim to make your life more pleasurable because our products not only taste better; but they are also more nutritious.

Here we have listed some of the local sites that will provide you good local information about Nutrition, Health and Wellness. We will change and add to these addresses from time to time, so be sure to come back often to check on the links for Good Food, Good Life.

Is brown sugar better than white?

Test your nutrition knowledge at Nestlé Australia's website: Nutritional myth busters

Nestlé UK - Check your diet

Want to know how healthy your diet is? Tell us what you ate yesterday and the Nestlé UK Nutrition database will give you facts and figures about your diet. Check your diet today